Ledgestone Panel 6″ × 24″ Package Process

ledgestone panel 6 x 24 package process 1

جدول المحتويات

كمحترف ledge stone exporter and manufacturer, we deeply know that packaging plays a vital role in the entire export process. Keeping ledge stone panels safe in transit between our manufacturing facility and the buyer is something we need to take care of and must prevent damage. Therefore, product packaging must be sturdy and reliable.

We value our products and take pride in the way our Ledgestone Panel 6″ × 24″ is presented and delivered to our customers. Packing quality directly reflects the quality of ledge stone cladding we produce. We seriously consider the quality of packing as important as the quality of products. We offer two different packaging types to ship your stone: crates and pallets. Please take a look at the plywood crates packaging method below.

Cartons Packaging of Ledgestone Panel 6″ × 24″

ledgestone panel 6 x 24 package process 2

Crates Packaging of Ledgestone Panel 6″ × 24″

  • Ledgestone Panel Size: 6″ × 24″
  • Corrugated Box inside: 7/8pcs
  • Plywood Crates outside: 48/60box
  • Plywood Crates Size: 110X110X70/85cm(approx)
  • Layers: 4/5 layers
  • Weight: 900/1150kg per crate (approx)
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طريقة تغليف الحجر المكدس للتصدير

We pack our ledge stone tiles in plywood crates, each corrugated box is neatly and tightly arranged which will avoid friction during the transit. Inside the container, the plywood crates are tightly fastened to each other so that they cannot move or shift.

The next video features more details on the packaging process of natural ledge stone:

After reading this article, you should better understand ledge stone panel 6″ × 24″ package process.

If you are looking for ledge stone panel manufacturers and suppliers, we recommend checking our products. Our popular products include حجر مكدس, الكسوة الجدار ليدجستون, انقسام بلاط الجدران, حجر رخام مكدس, شلال مكدسة الحجر, حجر المكدس الجاف, رصف بلاطة مجنون، وما إلى ذلك وهلم جرا.

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