Natural random loose stone for interior and exterior wall cladding

Natural random loose stone offers a unique visual appeal. The intricate patterns and variations in color create a dynamic, textured look that enhances the overall ambiance of any space. Whether used in modern or traditional settings, the natural allure of stone adds depth and character, making walls stand out as focal points.

معلومات إضافية

رقم الحجر المكدس:




Random Size:

200-500 x 15-30 mm


العينات جاهزة في غضون 3 أيام

تفاصيل التعبئة:

Ships as 1m2 layers. Crates contain 15 layers (15m2)Approximate weight is 65 kg per square meter.


1 container

ميناء التحميل:

ميناء شينغانغ، الصين

موعد التسليم:

10-15 days after order confirmation

شروط الدفع:

خطاب الاعتماد في الأفق، T/T

مكان المنشأ:

مقاطعة خبي، الصين

تفاصيل المنتج:

In the realm of architectural design, natural random loose stone stands as a testament to timeless beauty and enduring elegance. The rugged, organic textures and diverse color palettes of these stones add a touch of nature’s artistry to any space, transforming mundane walls into captivating features. This type of stone cladding brings an unparalleled charm, inviting a sense of tranquility and grandeur into both interior and exterior environments.


  • Panels: 200-500 x 15-30 mm
  • Corner: 100-200 x 100-150 x 15-30 mm

Opting for natural stone in wall cladding projects is more than an aesthetic decision; it’s a commitment to quality and longevity. Stone cladding provides a robust and resilient surface that can withstand the test of time and elements, making it a practical choice for homeowners and designers alike. Additionally, natural stone’s inherent beauty and unique characteristics ensure that no two installations are ever identical, offering a bespoke look for every project.

طريقة التغليف:

Ships as 1m2 layers. Crates contain 15 layers (15m2)Approximate weight is 65 kg per square meter.

Ships as pieces in a crate. Crates contain 30-50 linear metres. The approximate weight is 25 kg per lineal meter.

نستخدم كرتونًا قويًا وصناديق خشبية أو صناديق من الخشب الرقائقي بأشرطة معززة أو حزم خشبية بالخارج مع التبخير. بعد تعبئة المنتجات بشكل جيد، سيقوم العمال المحترفون بتحميلها بعناية في الحاوية لتجنب الضرر أثناء النقل.

Benefits of Using Natural Stone Veneer

Aesthetic Appeal and Versatility

Natural stone veneer offers an unmatched aesthetic appeal, capable of transforming ordinary exteriors into works of art. The variety of stones, each with its unique color, texture, and pattern, provides endless design possibilities. Whether aiming for a contemporary, rustic, or classic look, stone veneer adapts effortlessly, enhancing the overall visual impact.

المتانة وطول العمر

The inherent strength of natural stone ensures that it remains intact and beautiful for decades. Unlike artificial materials that may degrade or lose their luster over time, natural stone retains its beauty and integrity, making it a cost-effective solution in the long run. Its resistance to weather, pests, and fire adds to its durability, providing peace of mind for homeowners.

التنوع في التصميم

The versatility of natural random loose stone is unmatched. It can be used in a variety of design styles, from rustic and traditional to sleek and contemporary. Its ability to complement other materials such as wood, metal, and glass makes it a favorite among designers looking to create harmonious and visually appealing spaces. The stone can be arranged in various patterns and layouts, allowing for creative expression and customization.

Environmental and Health Benefits

Natural stone is an eco-friendly choice, as it requires minimal processing and is sourced directly from the earth. It does not emit harmful chemicals or pollutants, contributing to healthier indoor and outdoor environments. Additionally, stone’s thermal mass properties help regulate temperature, reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling.

Natural random loose stone for interior and exterior wall cladding Warehouse

يرجى التفضل بالتحقق من الفيديو الخاص بمستودع الحجارة المكدس لدينا للرجوع إليه. العناصر العادية موجودة دائمًا في المخزون ومعبأة جيدًا في علب كرتون وصناديق خشبية أو صناديق خشبية يمكن أن تضمن وقت التسليم بشكل أسرع.

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