Stone cladding is created in factories and then shipped off to wholesalers & distributors in different regions. Of course, the amount that can be shipped in one container mostly depends on the client’s requirements. That is because everything is packed and shipped according to what the client has stated.
However, as a general rule of thumb, 25 tons can be shipped in one container. But, of course, it all depends on the type of stack stone panels you choose. So here are the top natural stone cladding options and how many square meters of it can be shipped in a container.
Grasping Container Capacities for Stone Cladding
Versand Steinverkleidung is not just about filling up space; it’s a meticulous dance between weight and volume. At Top Source Slate, we understand that every square meter counts when it comes to maximizing the efficiency of your shipment. A standard 20-foot shipping container, a go-to for many in the construction and design industries, offers about 33 cubic meters of space. However, the reality is that stone cladding often hits the weight limit long before the container is full.
At Top-Source-Schiefer, our stone cladding products, known for their durability and aesthetic appeal, require careful consideration of both their density and weight. Understanding how to effectively use container space without exceeding weight limitations is key to ensuring that your stone cladding arrives in perfect condition, ready for installation.
Key Factors Impacting Stone Cladding Shipment Quantities
Several critical factors determine how many square meters of stone cladding can fit into a container. At Top Source Slate, we pride ourselves on offering a variety of cladding options, each with its own unique characteristics. The thickness of the stone, its density, and the type of stone—whether it’s our popular slate, quartzite, or sandstone—all play a role.
Lightweight ledge stones, such as certain types of limestone, can be packed in greater square meter quantities. In contrast, denser materials like granite or basalt, which we expertly craft at Top Source Slate, may limit the amount that can be shipped due to weight restrictions. Packaging also makes a significant difference; our efficient and protective packaging methods ensure that your stone arrives intact, even if it means adjusting the number of square meters per container.
Calculating Square Meters Per Container
To provide a practical example, let’s delve into the calculations. Suppose you are shipping stone cladding from Top Source Slate that weighs approximately 30 kilograms per square meter. With a 20-foot container’s maximum payload being around 27,000 kilograms, you could ship roughly 900 square meters. However, if you’re dealing with a denser stone that weighs 60 kilograms per square meter, that number drops to around 450 square meters.
Our experienced team at Top Source Slate takes into account every aspect of shipping—from the stone’s weight to the packing method. We utilize advanced techniques to ensure that each container is packed efficiently, balancing between maximizing square meters and adhering to weight limits.
Flat Stacked Stone
Gestapelte Steingröße | Stück/Karton | Karton/Palette | qm/Palette | qm/20FCL | Paletten/Container | 20 GP (Tonnen) |
6 Zoll x 24 Zoll 600 x 150 mm | 7 | 60 | 37.8 | 756 | 20 | 24 |
6 Zoll x 24 Zoll 600 x 150 mm | 8 | 60 | 43.2 | 864 | 20 | 26.5 |
21,75″ x 6″ 550 x 150 mm | 7 | 60 | 34,65 | 693 | 20 | 22 |
21,75″ x 6″ 550 x 150 mm | 8 | 60 | 39.6 | 792 | 20 | 25 |
Normal flat stacked stone panels & tiles come in various colors. These are glued stacked stone panels that you can opt for. A carton of these stone veneers includes eight pieces.
Forty-eight cartons fit inside a pallet, which means at least 23 crates. So, the natural stacked stone will take up 794.88 square meters inside the container. Normal stacked stone veneer panels in a container will be divided into twenty-three plywood crates.
China neue Farben Quarzit gestapelte Steinplatten
Grobe rostige Schiefertafel aus gestapelten Steinen, 6 Zoll x 24 Zoll.
Rohe Grundplatte aus gestapeltem Stein in Alaska-Grau, 6 Zoll x 24 Zoll.
Gestapelte Steinplatte aus rauem Sandstein, 6 Zoll x 24 Zoll.
Rohe Hauptbuchplatte aus natürlichem schwarzem Schiefer, 6 Zoll x 24 Zoll.
Sierra Blue Ledger Panel 6 Zoll x 24 Zoll Naturstein Quarzit
Natursteinplatten aus kalifornischem Goldschiefer – 6 x 24
Goldenes Ernte-Schiefertafel-Hauptbuch – 6 x 24
Hochwertige Außenwandverkleidung aus grauem Schichtstein
Produkte für Natursteinwände im Innen- und Außenbereich
Chinesische Fabrik-Außenwandverkleidung aus Naturstein
Heißer Verkauf Mix Quarz Naturwand Steinverkleidung
Hersteller von Kultursteinen für einen rustikalen gestapelten Steinkamin
China Großhandel mit alten Adern und modernen gestapelten Steintafeln
China Großhandel Mix Quarzit gestapelte Steinduschwände
China -Lieferant Red Quarzit Stapelte Stein im Freien im Freien
Natürlicher Außenkamin gestapelter Steinfliesen
Backsplash-Küche mit natürlichem gestapeltem Außenstein-Steinpaneel
Werkseitig geliefertes, gestapeltes Steinfurnier aus schwarzem Quarz für den Außenbereich
Großhandel mit gestapelten Steinfurnieren aus Sandstein für den Innen- und Außenbereich
Stacked Stone: Ein vollständiger Kaufratgeber (Aktualisierung)
Installationsrichtlinien für gestapelte Steinfliesen
Ausgezeichneter Service nach der Bestellung
Verpackungsmethode für gestapelten Stein für den Export
Split Face Mosaic Tiles
Gestapelte Steingröße | Stück/Karton | Karton/Palette | qm/Palette | qm/20FCL | Paletten/Container | 20 GP (Tonnen) |
360 x 100 mm | 12 | 112 | 48,38 | 967,60 | 20 | 27 |
350 x 100 mm | 12 | 112 | 47.04 | 940,80 | 20 | 26.5 |
400 x 100 mm | 12 | 96 | 46.08 | 921,60 | 20 | 26 |
Split face mosaic tiles have a thickness between 0.7 and 1.2 cm. We can fit twelve pieces inside one carton and 96 cartons per pallet. One container will easily load twenty-two crates of split face wall tiles that will be at your disposal whenever you would like.
That means at least 912.34 square meters of these tiles can fit in one container. You can order as many as you would like, and they will be shipped according to what a container can fit easily. This will allow you to have a steady supply of these tiles to stock and offer to your customers.
3D-Spaltfliesen aus Sandstein bester Qualität für den Innen- und Außenbereich
Großhandelspreis rustikale Kupfer Quarz Splitface Mosaikfliese
Hochwertige chinesische glitzernde Mosaikfliesen mit geteilter Oberfläche, Auster
In China werden Quarzit-Mosaikfliesen mit geteilter Austernoberfläche hergestellt
Professionelle Herstellung von Rotia-Mosaikfliesen aus grauem Ziegelstein mit geteilter Oberfläche, 10 x 36 cm
China-Fabrik, königliches, weißes, geteiltes Hauptbuchpanel
China-Fabrik grüne Quarzit-Mosaik-Wandfliesen mit geteilter Oberfläche
Mini-Splitface-Fliese aus schwarzem Quarzit, chinesischer Hersteller
Cremefarbene geteilte Quarzitfliese des chinesischen Herstellers 10 x 36 cm
Splitface-Bronze-Glitzerquarz-Wandfliesen im Großhandel
Geteilte, mehrfarbige Natursteinverkleidung aus rostigem Schiefer
Geteilte Fassadenfliesen mit schwarzer Schieferverkleidung, 360 x 100 mm
Glitzernde eisgraue Mosaikfliesen mit geteilter Oberfläche
Glitzernde eisweiße Mosaikfliesen mit geteilter Oberfläche
Austernquarz-Mosaikfliesen mit geteilter Oberfläche, 360 x 100 mm
Cement Backed Ledgestone Wall Cladding
Größe der Ledgestone-Wandverkleidung | Stück/Karton | Karton/Palette | qm/Palette | qm/20FCL | Paletten/Container | 20 GP (Tonnen) |
550x200mm | 4 | 48 | 21.12 | 337,92 | 16 | 27 |
610*152mm | 4 | 48 | 17.80 | 338,20 | 19 | 27 |
Finally, we have the ledge stone panels with a thickness between 2 and 4.5 cm. Four pieces of this ledge stone can fit inside a carton, which means at least 36 cartons per pallet. This comes down to twenty crates per container.
So, as a general rule of thumb, 316.80 square meters of this stone can fit inside one container. These stones are heavier, but they are also incredibly durable, which is why you need to add them to your collection to offer your customers an excellent choice. They will love these ledge stone veneer panels and can use them for different purposes, such as exterior cladding, feature walls, and much more.
Außenwandverkleidung aus natürlichem Z-Stein im neuen Stil
Außenverkleidung aus natürlichem Z-Stein im neuen Stil
Großhandelspreis für Außenplatten aus Naturstein
Kamin aus schwarzem Quarzstein
Sandstein-Z-Panel-Steinwandverkleidung zum Neupreis
Ineinandergreifende Z-Steinverkleidungsplatten zum Fabrikpreis
Stapelkamin aus weißem Sandstein
Außendekorationsstein aus Kulturstein
Rustikale Wandverkleidung aus Quarzstein mit Z-Fliesen
Produkte aus kultiviertem Stein mit geteilter Schieferplatte
Wandverkleidung aus Granit Z-Stein
China-Lieferant für ineinandergreifende gestapelte Steinverkleidungen in verschiedenen Farben
China Großhandel Z-förmiger Kulturstein Country Ledgestone
In China beliebte ineinandergreifende Steinverkleidungs-Z-Paneele
Rustikale Außenseite mit Trockensteinfurnier aus Schiefer
Leistenplatten aus Steinfurnier mit schwarzer Schieferzementrückseite
Mehrfarbiger, mit Schieferzement unterlegter natürlicher ineinandergreifender Simsstein
Natürliche Ledgestone-Stackstone-Wandfliese mit Zementrückseite
Z-förmige, gestapelte Steinverkleidung
Heißverkaufte Ledgestone-Wandverkleidungsplatten
Letzte Worte
This is a complete guide on how many square meters of stone wall cladding you can ship in one container. It depends on the stone you select and how much you want in one order. Once you decide this, you can select the natural and manufactured stone wall cladding you want with ease.
These numbers are enough to keep a steady supply of stacked stone cladding in your store. You can also order samples to determine the quality of the natural ledge stone before you place an order. It will enable you to make the right decision for the market you are operating in and your clientele.
When it comes to shipping stone cladding, especially from a trusted supplier like Top-Source-Schiefer, it’s all about precision and planning. The number of square meters you can fit in one container depends on the delicate balance between weight and space, coupled with the type of stone and its packaging.
At Top Source Slate, we don’t just ship stone; we ship peace of mind. We ensure that your Steinverkleidung arrives safely, efficiently, and in the quantity you need. Whether you’re undertaking a large commercial project or a bespoke residential design, our expertise in maximizing container capacity means you get the most value out of every shipment. Partner with us, and let’s build something beautiful together, one perfectly packed container at a time.