Come misurare i pannelli impiallacciati in pietra

come misurare per impilato


Stacked stone veneer panels add a timeless, natural look to interior and exterior spaces. Before starting your installation, it’s essential to accurately measure the area to ensure you purchase the correct amount of stone veneer, avoiding excess costs or shortages. This guide will help you measure stacked stone veneer panels effectively.

What is Stacked Stone Veneer Pannelli

Stacked stone veneer panels come in various sizes and styles, offering a range of coverage per panel. For instance, some panels provide 3.13 square feet of coverage. Understanding this measurement is crucial to calculating the number of panels you’ll need for your project. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for the exact panel dimensions and coverage.

Measure the Flat Surface Area

Accurately measuring the wall’s height and length is essential to ensure you calculate the correct amount of stone veneer. Follow these steps:

Measure Wall Length and Height

  1. Use a Tape Measure: Start by measuring the height of the wall from the base to the top, typically from the floor to the ceiling (for interior walls) or from the ground to the roofline (for exterior walls). Round the height to the nearest inch or foot.
  2. Record the Length: Next, measure the horizontal distance from one end of the wall to the other. Ensure that you record the full length, including any corners where stacked stone will be installed.
  3. Handling Irregular Walls: If the surface includes angled walls or alcoves, break the surface into smaller sections and measure each one individually. Add these measurements together to get the total length and height of the wall.
  4. Multiple Walls: For projects with multiple walls, repeat this process for every surface that will be covered with stacked stone veneer. Keep track of each wall’s dimensions separately to avoid confusion during the installation phase

Calculate Square Footage

Calculating square footage is vital for determining the total coverage needed for your project. Once you’ve measured the height and length, follow these steps:

  1. Multiply Length by Height: To find the total square footage of each wall, multiply the height by the length of the wall. For example, if a wall is 10 feet high and 15 feet long:
    • 10 ft × 15 ft = 150 sq. ft.
  2. Subtract Openings: If there are windows, doors, or any other large openings, subtract their areas from the total square footage. To do this, measure the height and width of the opening and multiply them to find the area. For example, if a window is 3 feet by 4 feet:
    • 3 ft × 4 ft = 12 sq. ft.
      • Subtract this from the wall’s total square footage:
    • 150 sq. ft. − 12 sq. ft. = 138 sq. ft.
  3. Repeat for Multiple Walls: If you’re covering multiple walls, repeat this process for each one and sum the square footage to find the total area.
  4. Add a Buffer: Always add an extra 5-10% to account for cutting errors, waste, and miscalculations. For instance, if your total square footage is 138 sq. ft., with a 10% buffer, order enough material to cover:
    • 138 sq. ft. × 1.10 = 151.8 sq. ft.

By following these steps, you can ensure you have an accurate estimate of the stone veneer required for your project

how to measure for stacked stone

Openings and Obstacles

For windows, doors, or other interruptions, subtract their area from the total. Measure the width and height of each, multiply, and then subtract from the overall square footage. For example, if a door is 3 feet wide and 7 feet tall:

3 ft × 7 ft = 21 sq. ft.

Subtract this from your total wall area.

Wastage Buffer

Always add 5-10% more material to account for cutting, mistakes, and any irregular surfaces. This ensures you have extra stone veneer in case of errors during installation.

Calculating the Stacked Stone Veneer Pannelli Corners

When your project involves inside or outside corners, you’ll need to account for corner stones, which differ from flat panels in terms of coverage. Corner stones are measured in linear feet, as they cover the vertical edge of walls.

To calculate the linear footage for corner panels:

  • Measure the height of each corner, and sum the measurements for all outside corners to get the total linear feet. For example, if a corner is 10 feet tall:

Corner height = 10 ft

  • Multiply the total linear footage by the manufacturer’s conversion rate for corner panels. Typically, 1 linear foot of corner coverage is equivalent to 0.67 square feet of flat panel coverage. Deduct this from the total flat surface area to avoid double-counting.

For example, if you have 10 feet of corner coverage:

10 linear feet × 0.67 = 6.7 sq. ft.

Subtract this from the total flat surface area to get a more accurate material estimate​

Include Ledgers and Trim

Ledgers are often used to cap wainscot installations or provide a decorative finish along the top edge of a stone wall. Measure the linear feet for ledgers the same way you measure flat walls:

  • Measure the horizontal length where ledgers will be installed.
  • Multiply this length by 12 to convert feet to inches.
  • Divide by the length of one ledger panel to determine how many you need.

For instance, if the total linear footage for ledgers is 65 feet, and one ledger panel covers 42 inches:

(65 ft × 12 in) ÷ 42 in = 18.57 ledger panels

Always round up to account for possible waste or cutting errors.

Linee guida per l'installazione di piastrelle in pietra impilate

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Account for Wastage

It is always advisable to purchase 5-10% more stone veneer panels than your calculations suggest. This excess accounts for any breakage, cutting mistakes, or irregularities during installation. For example, if your project requires 100 panels, you should purchase an additional 5-10 panels to ensure you have enough.

Consider Windows, Doors, and Other Obstacles

For areas with windows, doors, electrical boxes, or other obstacles, you may be tempted to subtract these voids from your total measurement. However, it’s best not to subtract these spaces from your total calculation. You’ll often need extra material to account for the cutting around these obstacles, and having a few extra panels ensures you can finish the job without running short.

Final Tips for Success

  • Always start your installation from a corner to ensure a clean, staggered look.
  • If your project includes corner panels, remember that each corner panel equals two stacked flat panels in height.
  • When calculating for ledgers, subtract one straight ledger for every two corner ledgers.


Accurately measuring for pannelli in pietra impilati is critical to ensuring a smooth installation process and avoiding costly delays. With careful planning and precise measurements, you can ensure you order the right amount of material for your project. Always round up when calculating the number of panels and allow for extra material to cover wastage or mistakes.

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