Hoe binnen gestapelde steen schoon te maken?

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Interior stacked stones are increasingly popular and are part of the 2023 decoration trends. They offer a unique character and a particular style to your home in the blink of an eye. However, it is important to clean them well to keep them intact for as long as possible.

Clean its interior stacked stone panels after installation

The cleaning of your interior stacked stone veneer begins as soon as you have finished laying. By washing quickly, you can remove all the dust that came to rest during the work. For optimal cleaning, bring the following equipment, natural stone cleaning product:

  • squeegee
  • water
  • soft cloth
  • soft brush
  • water-repellent treatment product

Start by soaking your soft cloth in water and use your brush to gently scrub the stones as well as the joints and gaps. Depending on how clogged the stacked stone interior wall is, add a fine cleaning product for natural stone to the water. Then rinse with (clean) water to bring out the shine of the material.

The squeegee is useful if your stone shows traces of glue (only valid for stones with a smooth surface). The water-repellent treatment product is mainly used to protect your bathroom or kitchen walls. In a single layer, your natural stacked stone will be spared organic dirt and moisture.

Natural maintenance methods

Does your natural stacked stone veneer need a bit of a makeover? What could be better than natural products to clean them safely! You have the choice:

  • powdered clay stone
  • black soap
  • Marseille soap
  • soda crystals
  • lemon oil solution

The clay stone is to be used in addition to a little water. Use a sponge to clean the stones and you’re done! Do you prefer Marseille soap? In this case, use a brush dipped in a mixture of water and soap, and scrub your natural stone surface.

For the soda crystals, it will first be necessary to dilute them in a good liter of water. Dip a brush in the solution, scrub your wall then rinse gently with clear water. Finally, oil and lemon form a kind of natural detergent that is used to make any material shine.

The effectiveness of chemical detergents

Prior to considering chemical detergents for your stack stone veneer, it is essential to verify that they are not too harsh for natural stone (caution: never use acid on stone). To address this, we provide maintenance products specifically formulated for this material, ensuring compatibility and peace of mind. Rest assured, these products will not leave any unsightly marks on your siding.

When using a chemical cleaning product, it is important to pay attention to the crevices and gently scrub the joints. Naturally, it is necessary to eliminate dust beforehand using a feather duster or a vacuum cleaner. For the cleaning process itself, both a cloth and a brush can be used, but caution must be exercised in selecting a brush that is not overly rigid.

It is crucial to note that not all natural stacked stone tile are cleaned in the same manner. If you seek further reassurance, our team of experts is readily available to provide guidance. Consulting with them ensures that your cleaning endeavors will not result in any unintended damage. For those seeking to reduce the frequency of wall maintenance, opting for a protective treatment is a prudent choice.

Clean stack stone panels with a vacuum cleaner and steam

Natural stacked stone ledger panels have many aesthetic advantages and great resistance to time. To keep them intact, simple but regular maintenance is necessary. Indeed, their relief can attract dust and residues

Clean its interior stacked stone tile after installation

For optimal cleaning, you can use a powerful vacuum cleaner and a soft brush adapted to the support. You need to scrub while vacuuming for a few minutes. However, if impurities become encrusted, you can use a steam cleaner which will eliminate a large part of the dirt and bacteria.

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