As a manufacturer, factory, exporter, supplier of culture stone, stacked stone, ledge stone in China, We know that good raw material is very important because it is directly related to the quality of the products.
Stacked stones are made of natural stone strips of the best selection of Slate, Quartzite, Sandstone, Marble, Granite, and others. Ledgestone panels have a unified and linear appearance and make them a great choice for most outdoor and indoor applications.
The unique charm of surfaces made of slate ledgestone panels is due to their diverse nature.
Depending on the arrangement and color of individual elements, unique compositional effects can be obtained, which will add authentic expression to the arranged spaces.
The uneven structure of the finely cut natural stone will enliven the interior and make it original.
China produceert oester gescheurde kwartsietmozaïektegels met gespleten oppervlak
Gespleten meerkleurige roestige leisteen natuurstenen bekleding
Splitface tegels zwarte leisteen bekleding 360x100mm
China fabriek sierra blauwe platte kwartsiet gestapelde stenen open haard
Exterieur moderne zwarte leisteen gestapelde stenen fineer open haard
Gold Rush exterieur gestapelde steen 6 inch x 24 inch
The natural shades of quartzite stacked stone are distinguished by a subtle shine. A ledge stone with mineral particles gently glistens when exposed to light. it is a perfect decoration for residential walls, e.g. in the living room, bedroom, or hall. the stone contains minerals that sparkle when light falls on them, which gives the room a touch of elegance. The stone structure and natural color attract attention.
Glinsterende ijsgrijze mozaïektegels met gespleten oppervlak
Glinsterende ijswitte mozaïektegels met gespleten gezicht
Oesterkwarts mozaïektegels met gespleten oppervlak 360x100 mm
Exterieur best gekweekte stenen panelen ledgestone fabrikanten
Golden line natural quartize rockmount stacked stone veneer panels
Factory Directe crème witte kwarts gestapelde stenen muur bekleding open haard
China groothandel houtskool gestapelde stenen fineer wandpanelen
Roestige kwartsiet natuurlijke gestapelde stenen muur binnentegelpanelen
Fabrieksmatig natuurlijk kwartsiet gestapelde grootboeksteenfineerpanelen
Sandstone is also one of our common materials of cultural stone. this material is composed of small particles like sand. Compared with slate or quartz, the raw materials are softer but rich in colors. Its original form and rich color values help to create unprecedented aesthetic effects, both in interiors and at home.
Marble culture stone is very luxurious and beautiful, usually at a higher price. Its characteristic feature is rich colors and a variety of textures, which contribute to the almost unique character of each interior and exterior. they are considered extremely elegant and luxurious. What’s more, marble stacked stones, thanks to their durability, are perfect both as a finishing element inside and outside the building.
Professionele vervaardiging marmeren natuursteen mozaïek wandtegel
Professionele vervaardiging van natuurlijke marmeren stenen muurbekleding
Natuurlijke marmeren grootboeksteen voor binnen en buiten
Nieuwe stijl marmeren gestapelde steen voor buitenbekleding
China groothandel oude aderen moderne gestapelde stenen grootboekpanelen
Natuurlijke buitenkeuken met gestapelde stenen grootboekpaneel achterwand
Granite natural stacked stone panels For its elegance, authenticity, and naturalness, natural stone cladding is often very popular. With these wall strips, you achieve a comfortable feeling, because natural stone really works on peace of mind. Natural stone strips are real atmosphere makers, giving the walls immediate attention.
The above are the main raw materials used in the production of cultural stones. We have been exploring new materials and launching new colors and new products every year.
Stack Stone Wall Cladding also known as Culture Stone, Ledge Stone, Stone Veneers, Stone Features, Stacked Stone Ledger, Sidings, Stone Veneer, Ledger Panels, Wall Panel, Plaquette de parement en pierre naturelle, Wandverblender Naturstein、Wandverblender Naturstein Schiefer, Natuursteen Steenstrips, Kamień Naturalny, Revestimiento De Chapa De Piedra,Fachada De Piedra,Paneles De Pared De, Rivestimento Pietra naturale etc.
As a professional culture stone factory, manufacturere& exporter, We’d like to share stone information with our clients and friends. Any other questions, welcome toNeem contact met ons op.