Wholesales Blue Quartzite Random Loose Stone Tile for wall cladding

Blue Quartzite is renowned for its striking azure hues and robust structure, which bestows it with a unique blend of durability and elegance. Its interlocking crystalline structure makes it a popular choice for various architectural applications, especially in wall cladding.

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Stablet stein nr.:




Tilfeldig størrelse:

200-500 x 15-30 mm


prøvene klare innen 3 dager


Sendes som 1m2 lag. Kasser inneholder 15 lag (15m2) – Omtrentlig vekt er 65 kg per kvadratmeter.


1 beholder


Xingang havn, Kina


10-15 dager etter ordrebekreftelse


L/C i sikte, T/T


Hebei-provinsen, Kina

Produkt detaljer:

In the realm of wall cladding, blue quartzite random loose stone tiles stand out not just for their aesthetic appeal, but for their practical and environmental benefits. Whether used in residential or commercial spaces, indoors or outdoors, this stone brings a unique blend of elegance, durability, and sustainability. By choosing blue quartzite, one invests not only in the beauty of their space but also in its long-term resilience and environmental footprint. This timeless material, with its rich history and modern applications, continues to inspire and transform spaces, making it a quintessential choice for discerning architects, designers, and homeowners.


  • Paneler: 200-500 x 15-30 mm
  • Hjørne: 100-200 x 100-150 x 15-30 mm

In contemporary architecture, blue quartzite has found its niche in both residential and commercial projects. Its versatility allows it to be used in diverse settings, from chic urban lofts to sprawling country estates. The stone’s natural beauty, coupled with its practical benefits, makes it an ideal choice for modern wall cladding, adding a touch of sophistication and grandeur to any space.


Sendes som 1m2 lag. Kasser inneholder 15 lag (15m2) – Omtrentlig vekt er 65 kg per kvadratmeter.

Sendes som deler i en kasse. Kasser inneholder 30-50 lineære meter. Den omtrentlige vekten er 25 kg per lineal meter.

Vi bruker sterke kartonger og trekasser eller kryssfinerkasser med forsterkede stropper eller trebunter utvendig med gassing. Etter at produktene er godt pakket, vil profesjonelle arbeidere laste dem forsiktig inn i beholderen for å unngå skade under transport.

Design Inspirations with Blue Quartzite random loose stone tiles

Residential Spaces

In homes, blue quartzite can transform mundane walls into captivating focal points. Imagine a living room where one wall is adorned with these tiles, creating a serene backdrop that contrasts beautifully with modern furniture. In kitchens, blue quartzite backsplashes can complement both rustic and contemporary designs, adding a touch of sophistication and a splash of color.

Commercial Spaces

In commercial settings, blue quartzite can redefine the aesthetics of a space. In upscale restaurants, hotels, or spas, walls clad in this stone can evoke a sense of luxury and tranquility. Its natural beauty and durability make it perfect for high-traffic areas, where it can withstand the wear and tear while maintaining its allure.

Outdoor Applications

Beyond interiors, blue quartzite’s robustness makes it an excellent choice for exterior applications. Garden walls, patios, and even facades can benefit from its natural beauty and weather-resistant properties. The stone’s unique color and texture can seamlessly blend with outdoor environments, creating harmonious and inviting spaces.

Wholesales Blue Quartzite Random Loose Stone Tile for wall cladding Warehouse

Vennligst sjekk videoen av vårt stablede steinlager for din referanse. Vanlige varer er alltid på lager og godt pakket i kartonger og trekasser eller kryssfinerkasser som kan sikre leveringstiden mye raskere.

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