Slate Flagstone: A Complete Buyer's Guide【oppdatering】



As a slate flagstone supplier, manufacturer, exporter, and factory based in China, we specialize in producing slate flagstone, Mesh mounted flagstone, slate on mesh sheets, culture stone, ledge stone, and stacked stone veneer. Among our diverse range of offerings, slate flagstone holds a significant share in terms of export volume. This section will provide insight into the crazy paving pattern, showcasing our expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional products.

What is flagstone?

Flagstones also as known as mesh mounted flagstone, slate on mesh sheets, Irregular Crazy Paving Flagstone, Slate Random Flagstones, Paving Stone Landscape Slate, Natural Stone Irregular Flagstone Patio, Slate Random Flagstones, etc. are in random sizes and are mounted to a mesh backing and consist of 6-7 chips pieces and are widely used for Patio, Flagstone Walkway, Road Paving, flagstone Pavers, Garden, House Exterior Wall, Floor Paving, Wall Tiling, Fireplace, Pathway paving. Commercial and residential.

Usually, each slate flagstone tile is 0.25 sqm, with 4 sheets per square meter. The normal thickness is around 1-2cm. other thicknesses are also available for us.

Slate Flagstone Feature:

  • 100% natural stone
  • Safe non-slippery surface
  • Weather resistant
  • Great for indoor and outdoor
Products:Slate flagstone
Material:Slate, Quartzite, Sandstone, Marble, Granite, etc.
Also known as:Slate On Mesh Sheets, Mesh Mounted Flagstone, Meshed Flagmat, Meshed Flagstone, Crazy paving flagstone.
Størrelse:4 STK/SQM or customed
Surface Finish:Natural Cleft
Emballasjedetaljer:4pcs/Sqm 25sqm/Wooden Crate
Where to use:Facade, Inside Flooring, Inside Wall, Outside Flooring, Outside Wall, Wet Areas, Flagstone patio, and walkway.

More crazy paving flagstone designs for your reference.

Benefits of slate flagstone

Flagstone pattern offers a range of benefits that make it an attractive choice for various landscaping and hardscaping projects. Here are some key advantages:

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Unique and Aesthetically Pleasing:

Slate flagstone, renowned for its distinctive and haphazard shape, bestows a one-of-a-kind and aesthetically striking allure. The irregular contours and assorted sizes of these stones engender a delightful and rustic demeanor that infuses character and captivation into any open-air domain..


Flagstone exhibits remarkable versatility, seamlessly adapting to an array of applications. It finds common employment in patios, pathways, driveways, and garden features. The irregularity of its form permits the conception of imaginative designs and intricate patterns, rendering it an exemplary choice for augmenting the visual allure of any landscape.

Natural and Timeless Appeal:

By and large, flagstone pattern derives its essence from materials such as sandstone or slate, thereby bestowing a genuine and organic visage. The timeless elegance of natural stone imparts value and heightens the overall aesthetics of outdoor spaces. It seamlessly integrates with the surrounding milieu and complements diverse architectural styles.

Holdbarhet og lang levetid:

Renowned for its unparalleled resilience and longevity, natural crazy paving flagstone perseveres through heavy foot traffic, inclement weather conditions, and temperature fluctuations. When installed and maintained following proper protocols, crazy paving flagstone endures for decades, culminating in an economically sound and sustainable choice.

Meshed flagstone necessitates minimal maintenance efforts. Regular sweeping or expelling of debris and intermittent rinsing with water typically suffice to preserve its cleanliness. The innate durability of the stone serves as a deterrent against staining and fading, thereby minimizing the need for extensive upkeep.

Slip-Resistant Surface:

The irregular flagstone texture provides a natural grip and traction, making it a safe option for areas prone to water accumulation or where slip resistance is essential, such as pool decks or outdoor staircases.

Flexibility in Repair and Replacement:

In the event of damage to a specific stone, irregular flagstone offers flexibility in repair and replacement. Individual stones can be easily removed and replaced without affecting the overall integrity of the installation, saving time and cost.

Enhances Property Value:

The use of natural slate meshed flagstone paver tile in landscaping can significantly enhance the curb appeal and value of a property. Its natural beauty and unique charm create an inviting outdoor space that can attract potential buyers or enhance homeownersenjoyment.

How to produce slate flagstone

Selection of Premium Raw Materials

To ensure the production of høy kvalitet slate flagstone, we prioritize choosing top-grade raw materials with excellent color and quality carefully.

Outlining the Slate Flagstone

Once the raw materials have been selected, our skilled workers proceed to draw precise outlines on the stone chunks using pens. This step ensures accuracy during the cutting process.

Cutting and Splitting

The materials are then transported to the cutting workshop, where they are meticulously cut according to the outlined shapes. The resulting pieces are initially cut to a relatively thick size, after which each manufactured flagstone undergoes splitting to achieve the desired thickness, usually around 1-2cm.

Production Using flagstone mold

the appropriate natural cleft flagstone molds at hand, our workers carefully position the stone chips onto their designated spots. Glue is then applied to the back of each chip, followed by placing them onto the corresponding positions within the mold. After approximately 10 minutes, the mold is removed, and the produced flagstone wall cladding is set aside, awaiting transfer to the warehouse. Here are some images showcasing the back of our crazy paving flagstone.


To ensure safe transportation, our slate flagstone is packaged in sturdy plywood crates. These crates are specifically designed for long-distance shipments, offering optimal protection. Each plywood crate typically contains 4 layers, accommodating up to 25 square meters of flagstone tile.

By meticulously following these steps, we can produce high-quality flagstone tile, utilizing superior raw materials and a precise production process. Our carefully crafted packaging ensures that slate flagstone reaches its destination in pristine condition, ready to enhance any outdoor or indoor space.

How to produce slate flagstone

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How to install slate flagstone

This simple-to-follow article will walk you through the steps to properly install a mounted flagstone patio or flooring, mesh-mounted flagstone works well for flooring and wall projects and will add a rustic appeal to any outdoor or indoor project. this flagstone product differs from random flagstone as the name implies mesh. mounted flagstone consists of multiple pieces of stones set on a plastic mesh back. Each section is the same, but the overall sizes will vary.

This product is designed for easy installation, these slate flagstone pieces are designed to be installed in an interlocking pattern where individual sections fit together like a puzzle. Flagstone bricks are best installed over a sub-base and are not designed for loose sand installations. While flagstone that is backed in the mesh should not be set in the sand sending ground is recommended. for this demonstration. We will be creating a permanent installation with a concrete base the installation surface must be clean flat and free of sealants Greece and other oily compounds

Tips: Make your sub-base 1” lower than your final installation. The flagstone flooring is typically 1/2” of thin-set you will have a 1/2” of thin-set you will have a 1” thick install to match up with adjacent flooring. Beginning your flagstone project you will need to measure to determine how much material you need.

To begin your flagstone patio or flagstone walkway project, start by measuring to determine the required amount of material. Most mesh-mounted flagstone sections are available in 2.7 square feet sizes. We recommend adding 10% to 15% extra material to account for cutting waste.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

For this project, you will need the following:

  • Adequate amount of mesh-mounted flagstone tile
  • Wet saw or circular saw with a diamond-tipped blade
  • Half-inch notched trowel
  • Thinset
  • Mixer bit
  • Electric drill
  • Grout bag
  • Measuring tape
  • Sponge
  • Bucket of water
  • Rubber mallet
  • Large level
  • Sanded grout

Step 2: Project Layout and Cutting Flagstone

Begin by drilling the flagstone veneer panels to identify where cuts will be required at the edges. At one end of the project, allow the stone to extend beyond the edge and mark the protruding stones to create straight sections. Determine the best position for the remaining slate flagstone, ensuring even spacing between sections. When the material meets an edge or requires cutting, use a ruler or large level to mark the area with a grease pencil.

After marking the flagstone, proceed to make the necessary cuts using a wet saw. Remember to always wear eye protection and keep your fingers away from the blade.

When you reach an area that needs a section, remove a piece of stone from the mesh backing and dry laying flagstone in the designated spot. Mark both edges with a grease pencil and proceed to make the necessary cuts using a wet saw.

Step 3: Mixing Thinset and Applying Meshed Flagstone

With the layout prepared, you can now mix the thinset. It’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s flagstone installation instructions when mixing thinset. Apply adhesive to one section of flagstone at a time.

Using a half-inch square notched trowel, spread an even layer of thinset approximately 1/2 inch thick. Spread the mortar in an area slightly larger than the size of one piece of slate flagstone. Place the meshed flagstone into the mortar bed and firmly press it down, ensuring the mortar penetrates through the mesh backing. You may need to use a rubber mallet to tap down any high points. Utilize a level or straightedge to maintain a flat and consistent surface between pieces. Ensure even spacing between sections. Continue this process one section at a time until the entire project is completed. Clean flagstones as you set them by wiping off any excess thinset with a sponge and a bucket of water.

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meshed flagstone (1)
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Step 4: Flagstone Grouting

Once the project is completed, sweep and remove any excess thinset using a wet sponge. Allow the thinset adhesive to dry for 24 hours before proceeding to grouting or sealing. Most crazy paving slate flagstones, being porous, should be sealed before grouting. If your project requires sealing before grouting, skip to step five and return to grouting later.

Prepare your selected standard grout according to the package’s ground preparation guide. It’s crucial to use standard grout for this flagstone type of installation. Apply the grout using a grout bag or grout float. Before the grout dries, wipe off any excess using a trowel or grout float. Use a wet sponge to remove any excess grout from the stone before it dries.

Step 5: Sealing Flagstone Patio

To protect the stone from stains and spills, it is recommended to seal both the stone and the grout. Allow two to three days for the installation to set before applying the sealer, but please consult the flagstone suppliersrecommendations for precise instructions. Use a piece of wood or cardboard to shield areas that are not intended for sealing. As slate, in particular, is highly porous, it typically requires two coats of sealer. The first application is an impregnator, providing a natural appearance, while the second is an enhancer, offering a wet or dark look to the stone.

By following these steps, you can successfully install a mounted flagstone patio or flooring, adding a touch of rustic appeal to your indoor or outdoor project.

Hvordan du installerer en flaggstein uteplass?

How to Lay Flagstone: A Step-by-Step Guide

FAQ of Slate Flagstone

What is the recommended thickness of slate flagstone?

The recommended thickness of crazy paving pattern is typically around 1-2cm. However, it may vary depending on the specific project requirements and the supplier. It is advisable to consult with the supplier or adhere to the recommended thickness guidelines provided by the manufacturer for optimal results.

Can meshed flagstones be customized in terms of size and shape?

Meshed flagstone is available in various sizes and shapes. While the irregular and random shapes are characteristic of flagstone slabs, customization options may vary depending on the supplier or manufacturer. It is advisable to check with the supplier regarding specific customization options available for the desired project.

Can crazy paving flagstone be used for both indoor and outdoor projects?

Yes, crazy paving flagstone is versatile and suitable for both indoor and outdoor projects. It can be used for patios, pathways, driveways, garden features, interior floors, accent walls, and more.

Does Slate On Mesh Sheets require sealing?

Slate on mesh sheets, especially if made from porous stones like slate, may benefit from sealing. Sealing can help protect the stone from stains, spills, and weathering, as well as enhance its longevity. However, whether sealing is necessary or recommended may vary depending on factors such as the type of stone, the intended use, and the level of desired maintenance. It is advisable to consult with the supplier or follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding sealing for the specific type of slate on mesh sheets being used.


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Congratulations on completing your skiferstein! It’s time to bask in the mesmerizing beauty and comforting warmth it brings to your home. Take a moment to relax and appreciate the captivating ambiance it creates in your living space.

We trust that this tutorial has equipped you with the guidance and confidence needed to embark on your outdoor slate flagstone installation journey. By diligently following the step-by-step process of measuring, cutting, and installing the meshed flagstone, you have successfully transformed your space into a captivating haven. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and savor the enchantment of your newly adorned project.

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