Exterior Yellow Rough Random Loose Stone Wall Cladding

In contemporary architecture, stone cladding is being used innovatively to create stunning façades. Modern homes, commercial buildings, and public spaces incorporate stone cladding to achieve a blend of natural beauty and modern design.

Dodatkowe informacje

Ułożony kamień nr:




Random Size:

200-500 x 15-30 mm


próbki gotowe w ciągu 3 dni

Szczegóły pakowania:

Ships as 1m2 layers. Crates contain 15 layers (15m2)Approximate weight is 65 kg per square meter.


1 container

Port ładowania:

Port Xingang, Chiny

Czas dostawy:

10-15 days after order confirmation

Zasady płatności:

Akredytywa w zasięgu wzroku, T/T

Miejsce pochodzenia:

Prowincja Hebei, Chiny

Szczegóły Produktu:

There’s an indelible charm that stone cladding bestows upon a building’s exterior. The rugged beauty, the textural complexity, and the timeless appeal converge to create a visual symphony that speaks of both nature’s raw magnificence and human craftsmanship. Stone cladding transforms ordinary walls into extraordinary facades, infusing them with character and a sense of permanence.

Stone has been used as a building material since ancient times, gracing the walls of castles, cottages, and temples. This historical significance is not lost in modern architecture. Today, the revival of stone cladding is seen as a nod to these traditional practices, while also embracing contemporary aesthetics and construction techniques. It’s a blend of the old and the new, creating a harmonious balance that resonates with both historical reverence and modern innovation.

  • Panels: 200-500 x 15-30 mm
  • Corner: 100-200 x 100-150 x 15-30 mm

Sposób pakowania:

Ships as 1m2 layers. Crates contain 15 layers (15m2)Approximate weight is 65 kg per square meter.

Ships as pieces in a crate. Crates contain 30-50 linear metres. The approximate weight is 25 kg per lineal meter.

Używamy mocnych kartonów i skrzyń drewnianych lub skrzyń ze sklejki ze wzmocnionymi paskami lub wiązek drewnianych na zewnątrz z fumigacją. Po prawidłowym zapakowaniu produktów profesjonalni pracownicy ostrożnie załadują je do kontenera, aby uniknąć uszkodzeń podczas transportu.

Benefits of Stone Cladding

Aesthetic Appeal

One of the foremost benefits of stone cladding is its undeniable aesthetic appeal. The natural textures and colors of stone create a visually striking effect that can enhance the beauty of any structure. Whether aiming for a rustic charm or a sleek modern look, stone cladding provides an unmatched visual appeal that blends seamlessly with the surrounding environment.

Thermal Insulation

Stone cladding offers excellent thermal insulation properties. The natural density and thermal mass of stone help regulate indoor temperatures by retaining warmth in the winter and keeping interiors cool during the summer. This not only creates a more comfortable living environment but also contributes to energy efficiency and reduced utility costs.

Durability and Resilience

The inherent strength and durability of natural stone make it a long-lasting cladding option. Stone is resistant to weathering, erosion, and other environmental factors, ensuring that it retains its structural integrity and appearance over time. Unlike synthetic materials, natural stone doesn’t fade or deteriorate, providing a resilient façade that stands the test of time.

Low Maintenance

Once installed, stone cladding requires minimal maintenance. Its natural resistance to dirt and pollutants means it retains its beauty with little effort. Regular cleaning and occasional sealing are usually sufficient to keep the stone looking pristine. This low-maintenance characteristic makes stone cladding a practical and cost-effective choice for building exteriors.

Exterior Yellow Rough Random Loose Stone Wall Cladding Warehouse

Prosimy o sprawdzenie filmu przedstawiającego nasz magazyn ułożonych kamieni w celach informacyjnych. Regularne artykuły są zawsze dostępne w magazynie i dobrze zapakowane w kartony oraz drewniane skrzynie lub skrzynie ze sklejki, co zapewnia znacznie szybszy czas dostawy.

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